Trustee Week: Meet our Treasurer


Meet our Treasurer Phil Wilkins, Phil has been a 1st Place Trustee since 2014 and was awarded “Trustee of the Year” at the Southwark Stars event in 2019. His background in business management brings invaluable skills to the role. 

Can you give a brief introduction about yourself and your role at the charity and what attracted you to this role? 

I retired in 2010 from managing large businesses and working as a performance management consultant. After a few years of retirement, I started to look for a part time role in the area of financial management. My daughter had worked with the1st Place Director in a local Sure Start some years earlier and my son-in-law has previously been Treasurer of 1st Place. 

“[At 1st Place] you will be rewarded for your efforts and appreciated for your commitment.”


What new skills have you developed since becoming a Trustee at 1st Place? 

 I have learnt that more can be achieved with a collegiate approach to change rather than the more dictatorial approach which was the norm in my business life.   


What is the most rewarding part of being a Trustee? 

 Working with a diverse group of trustees all of whom bring exceptional skills in their specialist areas and working in a less commercially pressurised environment and be able to continue to develop my skills into retirement. 


What are the qualities of a good board of trustees? 

A skilful and committed Chair running a diverse board of enthusiastic Trustees and good working relationship with the Charity CEO and executive. 

 What advice would you give to someone considering becoming a trustee? 

Ensure that you are 100% aligned to the mission of the charity, believe that you have specific skills to contribute and don’t commit to the role unless you are prepared to give the necessary time. 


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Trustee Week: Meet our Trustees