While you are attending a course at 1st Place, we offer a free crèche service for your child. When you sign up for your course, simply let us know that you require a crèche place.
It is really important to us that your child’s time in our crèche is a happy experience. While you are on your course, our staff always explain where you are, what you are doing and when you will be back.
If this is the first time that your child has spent time away from you, we would encourage you to bring them to our Stay and Play sessions before your course starts. This enables your child to become familiar with the crèche room and our staff.
All 1st Place crèche workers are fully inducted in crèche provision and all receive regular supervision.
We go far beyond the usual standard.
Keeping Your Child Safe
While your child is at our crèche, our staff will observe them so that we can give you feedback about what they have been doing, and plan for future sessions.
For each session, we also complete an Evaluation Form to record and review what took place, and to help us to improve our service. We always welcome parent feedback so please feel free to see staff before you leave the crèche to add your comments.
All 1st Place provision operates within government legislation relating to childcare and our staff have a duty of care to all children. To find out more, please read the 1st Place Safeguarding Policy.
If you have any questions, please contact Judy.Morris@1stplace.uk.com