Trustee Week: Meet our Trustees

Ruth Francis has been a Trustee since December 2020. Her background in communications and publicity has brought valuable skills to the role.  

Ruth has assisted with recruitment at 1st Place and is part of the Early Education committee, providing valuable insight as a parent whose child attends a 1st Place nursery. 

What attracted you to the role of a 1st Place Trustee? 

I attended some of the 1st Place Children and Family Centre playgroups and activities when my daughter was younger, and she had a fantastic experience with the nursery. After having my second child, and during the pandemic, I wanted to give something back as I could see how hard the whole 1st Place team worked for local families. 

The role of a trustee 

A trustee oversees the running of a charity, without involvement in the day-to-day activities or management. At 1st Place we have several committees, from the overall board to smaller sub-groups for finance, education and safeguarding. We support the management team in their work and give advice where required or according to our knowledge and expertise.

“I sit on the early education committee and am exposed to a lot of the early years and community teams’ skills which never cease to impress me.”

What new skills have you developed since becoming a Trustee at 1st Place? 
Becoming a Trustee at 1st Place has extended my network, I’ve met people in different circles from those I usually work in, and I’ve enjoyed that greatly.  

I’ve learned a lot about how a community organisation operates and about the responsibilities of a trustee. I sit on the early education committee and am exposed to a lot of the early years and community teams’ skills which never cease to impress me.  
What is the most rewarding part of being a Trustee? 
Working with the brilliant 1st Place team and finding out more about the parts of the organisation you don’t see as a nursery parent.  


What advice would you give someone who is considering becoming a trustee? 

If you’re looking for a challenge or to add new strings to your bow, then becoming a trustee is an excellent way to do that.  

It’s important to listen, to be responsive and to be prepared to give quite a bit of your time. Choose a charity that provides a service to the community that you really believe in and want to dedicate time and energy to. 

Why would you recommend 1st Place? 

I am ceaselessly impressed by the team at 1st Place across all levels of the nurseries and Children and Family centres. They are dedicated and talented, as well as fun to know and work with. 

Would you like to find out more about 1st Place and hear about how you can get involved?  

Sign up to our newsletter below, our first issue will be released in December 2022. 


Trustee Week: Meet our Treasurer


Meet our Chair of Trustees