60 seconds with… Raquel Orobiyi

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From being a parent attending our Children and Parents’ Centre to helping out the Family Support team, Raquel Orobiyi shares her experience of volunteering at 1st Place.

Tell us about your role.

I am a volunteer at 1st Place. On Wednesdays and Fridays, I promote and distribute Rose Vouchers and on Mondays, I help with Family Support. Alongside another volunteer, I participate and help with outreach, going out into the community to promote the services available at the 1st Place Children and Parents' Centre.

What do you do when you are not volunteering at 1st Place?

When I am not volunteering, I am dropping off and collecting my child at nursery. After collecting my little one on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I go to university where I am undertaking an MA in Health Management as a part time student. The course is very demanding and every day, I usually stay up until 3.00am researching my coursework.I am also participating in a scheme organised by the university, which helps people get back to work. I am hoping that this will increase my chance of getting a better job in the future.

Why did you decide to volunteer at 1st Place?

I wanted to volunteer because I like the work that the Family Support team does through the Children and Parents' Centre. When my little one was younger, I had no one to talk to and visited 1st Place. I learned a lot from the advice and information that I was given by staff. I also believe that giving back to society what society has given you, is worthwhile and fulfilling.

What do you like most about volunteering at 1st Place?

I like being part of a project that cares for people. The way that 1st Place provides its services at its Children and Parents' Centre makes users feel less reluctant to ask for help. Everyone at a certain point in their life has been vulnerable and it is good to know that there is somewhere that provides help.

What makes volunteering at 1st Place so rewarding and enjoyable?  

The staff are very welcoming, friendly and happy to help.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

Traveling is my passion and I love visiting new places. I also like walking by the sea but since there is no sea in London, I enjoy walking along the river which has the same effect! I like being in touch with nature.

Tell us something surprising about yourself.

I cannot watch programmes or see anything that contains an image of a snake. Snakes are scary!


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