Thing of the Week - See the Stars

#Thingoftheweek 14 See the Stars.png

As part of the launch of 50 Things in Southwark, we are focusing on 1 of the 50 activities in this amazing app. Next is ‘See the Stars’

Night time is a fascinating adventure for children and a chance to see the moon and the stars. It is also an opportunity to support and extend your child’s interest in the natural world and outer space. Being playful with darkness can also help with any anxieties. They will recognise that things stay the same in the dark as in the light.

Why not take photos or draw the changing of the moon from a full moon to a crescent moon and back to a full moon? You could also play with torches and shadows. In the summer, try going underneath a blanket or in a room with the curtains drawn to create shapes using your torch!

For more information on this activity including how to do it, the benefits, top tips and resources, download the free 50 Things app from Google Play or the Apple Store.


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Mental Health and Wellbeing for Parents and Carers