Share your experience of GP services post lockdown
To help make GP services better, Healthwatch Southwark have launched a survey to understand people’s experiences of accessing and attending GP appointments after lockdown restrictions ended on 19 July.
Healthwatch Southwark is a local health and social care champion and makes sure NHS leaders and other decision makers hear your voice and use your feedback to improve care. Their survey covers experiences of booking appointments and attending virtual and/or in person appointments. Feedback from the survey will be shared with key decision makers, such as the CCG, to help improve GP services in Southwark.
To participate in the survey, you can do any of the following:
Email or call 020 7358 7005 to do the survey over the phone.
Attending an online GP Access Feedback clinic to share your experience:
Afternoon session: 19 August, 12:30-13:30
Evening session: 24 August, 17:30-18:30
To find out more about the survey, please visit the Healthwatch Southwark website.