Planting, growth and decay


Some of our nursery children have been exploring the growth of plants, vegetables and fruits. How they grow in the ground and looking at how they decay. They have experimented with texture and smell, sharing their knowledge in small group discussions. We have also visited the supermarket to buy seeds and plants for the nursery, which sparked the children’s interest in plants.

To plant our new seeds, the children used spades to level the soil before placing the seeds in the soil. They then gently placed soil on top of the seeds to cover them before taking turns to water the soil using a watering can. During this activity, the children were very gentle and shared their thoughts about what plants needed to grow.

Thechildren’s voices:

  • “We got magic seeds, it’s going to grow really, really big!”
  • “Needs water to grow big”
  • “You need soil”
  • “Sunlight”


Shadow Play


The wonderful world around us