Message in a honey pot

This simple activity is a great way to promote literacy skills and have fun. You don’t necessarily have to create a honey pot, any container or shape will do. Your child may want to create a space rocket or even a dinosaur!

What you will need:

  • Pens.

  • Paper or card - This can include a selection of coloured sheets.

  • Glue or sellotape.

  • Additional resources to decorate your container such as stickers, paint etc. (optional)

  • Your imagination!

Getting started:

  • Make your container or shape. If you are creating a honey pot, make the pot and a lid.

  • Decorate your container in your own way with or without additional resources.

  • On a separate strip of paper, write a message. Your child can write any message that they like, it could be something as simple as ‘hello’. If they are older and feeling adventurous, they could write a story (although you may need a bigger container/shape to contain it!).

  • Turn the pot over and attach the strip of paper to the back of the pot.

  • Turn the pot over again. You should see part of the strip of paper peeking out from the top of the pot.

  • Cover your message with the lid so that it is now hidden - a lovely surprise for the recipient!


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