Keep your child moving during lockdown

If you want to keep your child moving during lockdown, there is still time to join the Healthy Movers scheme which offers a series of short videos that will keep them motivated and active.

The Healthy Movers scheme is being run in partnership with Southwark Children and Family Centres, early years providers and the Youth Sport Trust. Live 10-minute sessions take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 10.30am on YouTube but you can also find videos from previous sessions on their YouTube channel. Videos involve a short fun, physical activity that can be done at home and are so enjoyable that your child won’t realise that they are doing exercise!

Upcoming live activities are:

  • 2 March, 10.30am - Walk the plank

    See how good your balance is and if you can walk the plank safely without falling off! Bring masking tape or two ropes, a large ball and a balloon.

  • 4 March, 10.30am - Target Games

    How good is your aim? Try to hit all the targets. Bring small balls (ideally sponge balls or those designed for inside use) or scrunched up paper balls and objects that can be used as a target

  • 9 March, 10.30am - Musical Statues

    How quickly can you stop when the music stops? No equipment needed

  • 11 March, 10.30am - Obstacle Course

    Set up an obstacle course and see how many ways you can move around. Bring objects that can act as suitable obstacles, paper and pens.

To join live, use the streaming link in the Healthy Movers timetable.


World Book Day Celebrations


Make your own Winnie the Pooh mask