St Mungo’s: Homeless Charity needs your help

For over 50 years, St Mungo's has been at the forefront of efforts to tackle homelessness.

Following on from the recent government announcement, St Mungo's have made the very tough decision to discontinue their public collections from London stations until further notice.

Sid (Facilities Manager at 1st Place) who usually volunteers his time for the collections has set up a virtual collection page for St Mungo’s to collect online instead.

With your help we can make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable homeless people and help end rough sleeping - below are some examples the impact of money collected could have.
·        £25 helps keep St. Mungo's outreach vans running for a week

·        £50 funds a counselling session for a person who is homeless

·        £100 buys resources for our Recovery Colleges

Make this year the year you make a difference - your donation - no matter the amount will help to make that difference and would be gratefully appreciated.

You can donate to my JustGiving page by clicking here: St Mungo's Virtual Christmas Collections 2021

You can also help by sharing the just giving page or this article on social media. Thank you.


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Local residents illuminate their homes to raise money for Charity