Families complete first Southwark Family Mile

Well done to the six families who joined us on 4 September to complete our first Southwark Family Mile especially our Mile Ambassador Libby Maurice who led the walk.

Fortunately, the weather held out for us as we took in the beautiful sights of Burgess Park. There was a lot of interest in the history of the park so we will be sure to include some more information on our next walk on 2 October.

The Southwark Family Mile will be taking place on the first Saturday of every month in Burgess Park at 11.00am - 12.00pm. To take part, simply turn up at 1st Place Children and Parents' Centre, 12 Chumleigh Street. All are welcome and the walk is full accessible.

Sept Southwark Mile.jpg

Thing of the Week - GiggleBox


My 1st Place experience - Barbara Williams