Early maths at home


Didyou know that mathematical thinking begins in very early childhood with sortingand classifying? Try these simple activities with your child at home toencourage the concept of early maths:

Tidy-up time

  • Use a variety of containers to sort small objects such as pencils, crayons, cars or Lego. Extend this further by sorting each of these objects into colour or size. Once your child has mastered sorting by one attribute, why not introduce another?
  • Create a special place for each item and return them to their rightful place.

Shopping time

  • Canyou sort the shopping by fridge food, freezer food, dry food and householditems? Children love to help and this is a great activity to learn about maths,collaboration and team work.

Find that missing sock!

  • Find maths inspiration in your laundry. Why not sort your laundry colour or by classification such as towels, sheets, baby clothes or work clothes. This is a good introduction to self-care and independence.
  • Compare the sizes of socks, look at them and talk about their patterns, and match pairs of socks together. Why not even talk about the different types of socks (football socks, school socks, party socks and favourite socks). The opportunities are endless!

Read more about the importance of maths in early childhood in our Early Years Blog.


60 seconds with… Jennie Crossan


The simple act of sorting