Take part in the upcoming Census

The census is coming. Make sure you don’t miss your chance to help inform decisions on services that shape our community, such as housing, schools, healthcare services and transport.

The census is used to allocate resources and funding on a local and national level for the next 10 years. Taking part ensures that your needs are reflected in future policy and the allocation of funding to local authorities, services, charities and community groups. The information you share will affect the life of every single person in our local community and across England and Wales.

Your information is protected by law. Government officials or anyone else dealing with payments or services you receive cannot see it. Any data collected is anonymised and kept safe for the next 100 years.

Census Day is Sunday 21 March. You can fill yours in online as soon as you get your access code in the post. Paper forms and a wide range of support and translation services and materials are also available if you need help completing the form.

To find out more about the census, please visit www.census.gov.uk. Alternatively, you can also contact Vanessa Fagan, Census Engagement Manager, by emailing vanessa.fagan18@field.census.gov.uk or calling 0745 2 93 5279.


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