Be part of the Southwark Family Council

Southwark are looking for parents, carers and other family members to be part of the Family Council to share their views on children’s services and help improve the way it works with families.

Meeting on a monthly basis, the Family Council give their thoughts on:

  • How to make sure that families and professionals can work together.

  • The kinds of support families need and how it can be provided.

  • How to make services easier for families to access.

  • Any proposed changes and how they may affect families.

Members of the Family Council need to have experience of involvement with children’s services in Southwark such as foster care, early family help, youth offending, child protection or care.

To find out more, please contact Jacqui Cox, the family inclusion co-ordinator (07714 073 719 or Alternatively, you can visit the Southwark Council website.


Mental Health and Wellbeing for Parents and Carers


Thing of the Week - Shout and Shhh